Origin of Covid-19 more likely to be unnatural than natural, potential source of lab leak: new study | World News | Top Vip News

[ad_1] Originally designed to distinguish between natural epidemics and deliberate biological attacks, the researchers modified the Grunow-Finke tool by adjusting the criteria to determine the probability of the nature of the pandemic’s origin. HT Image {{^subscribeduser}} {{/subscribeduser}} {{^subscribeduser}} {{/subscribeduser}} The study, whose findings were published in the journal Risk Analysis, said the possibility that the … Read more

The origin of life on Earth: Scientists investigate the fundamental role of phosphate in the beginning of life on Earth – Science News | Top Vip News

[ad_1] The exploration of evolution is one of the most captivating and widely researched topics around the world, delving into the origins of life and the intricate journey that has led to the diversity of species we see today. At the center of this research is the enigmatic question of how the first cell on … Read more

Canada’s Last Chance Lake holds clues to origin of life on Earth: study | Top Vip News

[ad_1] Last Chance is a shallow body of water, no more than a foot deep. (Representative photo) A lake in Canada holds clues to the origin of life on Earth, a new study claims. Some scientists claim that life arose in volcanic landscapes, surrounded by a precise combination of chemicals and physical conditions. This was … Read more

Models of the origin of atmospheric dust are outdated, scientists say | Top Vip News

[ad_1] For decades, scientists have assumed that most global dust emissions came from the windswept deserts in North Africa. But new analyzes are changing that assumption. Two studies, published in JGR Atmospheres and Total Environmental ScienceThey say that dust emissions actually vary by season and between hemispheres, and the total amount of dust emissions worldwide … Read more