Promising burgers and ‘cheese’ nuggets, McDonald’s ‘uses’ its replica made with vegetable oil | The unfair tale of Maharashtra | Top Vip News

[ad_1] Fast food giant McDonald’s, replacing “cheese” with other names, changed the name of some of the dishes at its outlet in Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, after the state’s Food and Drug Administration unit suspended its license for trick customers by using substitutes in burgers and nuggets instead of real cheese. Dishes renamed without the word “cheese.” … Read more

Home Depot sells replica swords from famous movies that provoke jokes: ‘Claim your FREEDOM’

[ad_1] Lifestyle By Kristine Parks, Fox Business Published January 27, 2024, 4:18 pm ET Home Depot customers were delighted to discover that the home improvement store now sells a medieval sword similar to the one used in a famous Best Picture winner from the ’90s. “Take back your FREEDOM from the tyrannical English king with … Read more