The Impact of High Sugar, Salt, and Unhealthy Fats on Heart Health | Top Vip News

[ad_1] The steady rise in heart disease cases over the past two decades has highlighted the intricate relationship between dietary choices and cardiovascular health. A large body of research underlines the significant impact of excessive consumption of sugar, salt and unhealthy fats on the development and progression of heart-related diseases. Understanding the multifaceted mechanisms through … Read more

Include potassium-enriched salt in hypertension guidelines: experts | Top Vip News

[ad_1] Hyderabad: International experts, prompted by a comprehensive study, advocate for a crucial change in hypertension guidelines by pushing for the inclusion of potassium-enriched salt with low sodium content. Professor Alta Schutte, of the George Institute for Global Health, emphasized the urgency of the move, saying: “Current clinical guidelines provide incomplete and inconsistent recommendations on … Read more

Hypertension guidelines do not include potassium-fortified salt: study | Health | Top Vip News

[ad_1] New south Wales [Australia]January 26 (ANI): An international panel of experts published a suggestion in the scientific journal Hypertension published by the American Heart Association, calling for the inclusion of low-sodium potassium-fortified salt in hypertension treatment guidelines. HT Image High levels of sodium intake and low levels of potassium are widespread, and both are … Read more