Tectonic plate under Pacific Ocean is tearing apart, scientists reveal: ScienceAlert | Top Vip News

[ad_1] Although it is the predominant theory now, the road to acceptance was long and bumpy for tectonic plateswhich describes how large portions of the Earth’s crust slide, grind, rise and sink very slowly across its muddy surface. mantle. But even now, more than half a century After being given scientific approval, the theory needs … Read more

Scientists transformed pure water into metal, and there is a video: ScienceAlert | Top Vip News

[ad_1] Pure water is an almost perfect insulator. Yes, water found in nature conducts electricity, but that is due to the impurities it contains, which dissolve into free ions that allow electrical current to flow. Pure water only becomes “metallic” (electronically conductive) at extremely high pressures, beyond our current ability to produce it in a … Read more

Salads grown in space may pose a deadly problem: ScienceAlert | Top Vip News

[ad_1] Salad is good for your health, generally speaking, so growing fresh vegetables in orbit seems like a winning way for space travelers to stay healthy. New research suggests that as nutritious as space salad is, it could pose a risk to astronauts. The problem is that growing leafy plants like lettuce and spinach in … Read more