FF7 Rebirth Tip: Be Careful When Skipping Scenes | Top Vip News

[ad_1] Final Fantasy VII Rebirthsecond part of the ambitious project to remake 1997 Final Fantasy VII, arrives tomorrow February 29. Fans eager to play this new entry have likely spent some time in the game’s demo, which launched on February 6. play the demoYou will have the opportunity to skip a large section of the … Read more

2 reasons why skipping breakfast is not so harmless | Top Vip News

[ad_1] 1. Skipping breakfast does not align with a longevity diet In blue zones, communities with the longest life expectancy and the oldest people in the world, breakfast is a priority, according to Dan Buettner, indicating that breakfast can be great for longevity. “We have a saying: ‘Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a … Read more