Russian Soyuz carries a crew of three to the International Space Station | Top Vip News

[ad_1] Two days after launch, a Russian Soyuz crew shuttle reached the International Space Station on Monday and approached for a perfect docking, bringing two short-lived crew members and a NASA astronaut, beginning a six-month stay. in orbit. With Soyuz MS-25/71S commander Oleg Novitskiy, Belarusian guest pilot Marina Vasilevskaya and NASA veteran Tracy Dyson monitoring … Read more

British company’s 4K video cameras headed to the space station | Top Vip News

[ad_1] By Jonathan Amos scientific correspondent To play this content, please enable JavaScript or try a different browser. video subtitles, A rare sight: a cloudless UK and Ireland March 21, 2024 Updated 3 hours ago A UK startup’s ultra-high-definition cameras are on their way to the International Space Station (ISS). SEN.COM’s 4K system will be … Read more

The Russian space agency aborts the launch of 3 astronauts to the International Space Station; everyone is safe | World News | Top Vip News

[ad_1] Russia aborted the launch of three astronauts to the International Space Station moments before their scheduled liftoff Thursday, but the crew was safe, officials said. The Russian Soyuz rocket was to carry NASA astronaut Tracy Dyson, Oleg Novitsky of Roscosmos and Marina Vasilevskaya of Belarus from the Russian-leased Baikonur launch facility in Kazakhstan. The … Read more

A piece of trash from the International Space Station returns to Earth | Top Vip News

[ad_1] Enlarge / In March 2021, the International Space Station’s robotic arm released a cargo pallet with nine spent batteries. POT A depleted battery pack from the International Space Station orbited Earth for nearly three years before deorbiting and plunging back into the atmosphere on Friday. Most of the trash probably burned up during re-entry, … Read more

NASA’s SpaceX Crew-8 launches to the International Space Station | Top Vip News

[ad_1] Editor’s note: This version was updated on March 4, 2024 to fix the audio-only link toAnd change the image. An international crew of four reached orbit following a successful launch to the International Space Station at 10:53 p.m. EST Sunday from Launch Complex 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. NASA’s SpaceX Crew-8 … Read more

St. Louis TV station KMOV under fire after host Cory Stark used ‘outdated’ racial term

[ad_1] US News By David Propper Published March 6, 2024, 12:08 am ET A St. Louis television station is under fire after an anchor “mischaracterized” minority homeowners using an “outdated, offensive and racist” term. KMOV television station issued an apology for using the term on Feb. 26 while advancing a story about racial bias in … Read more

NASA and SpaceX halt Crew-8 astronaut mission to the International Space Station due to bad weather – Spaceflight Now | Top Vip News

[ad_1] SpaceX’s Crew Dragon Endeavor sits atop a Falcon 9 rocket ahead of the launch of the Crew-8 mission from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. Image: Adam Bernstein/Spaceflight Now Update at 8:00 pm EST: NASA and SpaceX are pulling out of the launch due to high winds along the ascent corridor. For the second time this … Read more

Russian space officials say air leak at International Space Station poses no danger to crew | Top Vip News

[ad_1] Russian space officials on Wednesday acknowledged an ongoing air leak from the Russian segment of the International Space Station, but said it poses no danger to its crew. State corporation Roscosmos said specialists were monitoring the leak and that the crew “carries out regular work to locate and repair possible points of the leak.” … Read more

The Station nightclub fire: who is responsible? | Full episode – 48 hours

[ad_1] The Station nightclub fire: who is responsible? | Full episode48 hours Marking the 21st anniversary of the deadly Station Nightclub fireGo to 10 Remembering the victims of the Station nightclub fire 21 years AUDIE DESBROW says it was JACK RUSSELL’s solo band, not GREAT WHITE, that was involved in deadly Rhode Island concert … Read more