Live list of winners and updates from the 96th Academy Awards as ‘Poor Things’ racks up awards and John Cena strips naked

[ad_1] Robert Downey Jr., left, and Emily Blunt appear in the audience. (Chris Pizzello/AP) Jimmy Kimmel wasn’t kidding when he said the show would be delayed as his opening monologue generated mixed reactions within the theater, especially when it came to Robert Downey Jr. The late-night host doubled down (tripled down?) on his attempt to … Read more

Josh Brolin jokes about Timothee Chalamet and strips down to his underwear

[ad_1] Josh Brolin is in on the joke. During his opening monologue on the March 9 episode of “Saturday Night Live,” the “Dune 2” actor talked about his “super creepy poem” about Timothée Chalamet. “I don’t think it’s creepy, but you be the judge,” he told the audience before reading part of the poem that … Read more

Kristen Stewart Strips Off Her Pants and Shows Off Her Most Daring Red Carpet Look Yet – HuffPost

[ad_1] Kristen Stewart goes pantsless in her most daring red carpet look yet  HuffPost Kristen Stewart’s Daring Outfit at the ‘Love Lies Bleeding’ Premiere in Los Angeles Has Fans Itching for More – See Her Other Looks  Yahoo Entertainment Celebrity photos from March 2024: Kristen Stewart, Kim Kardashian  Variety See Kristen Stewart’s premiere outfit in ‘Love Lies Bleeding’  PEOPLE … Read more

Christie Brinkley strips down to her bra as she celebrates turning 70

[ad_1] Entertainment By Janelle Ash, Fox News Published February 21, 2024, 3:52 am ET Christie Brinkley He is “finally happy” when he looks in the mirror. On Tuesday, the former supermodel took to Instagram to celebrate her 70th birthday. In her mirror selfies, Brinkley posed in a white Alo sports bra and black leggings while … Read more