Study shows differences in the brains of children who suffer from the disorder | Top Vip News

[ad_1] Children with ADHD have noticeably different brain function when they are at rest than children who do not have the neurological disorder, according to a national study published this week. Scans of thousands of children with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder highlighted a key difference: The National Institutes of Health study in the American Journal … Read more

Long COVID investigation yet to yield results, while millions suffer | Top Vip News

[ad_1] More than a year after contracting COVID-19, Sawyer Blatz still can’t practice his weekly rituals: running miles in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park or biking around his adopted hometown. In many ways, the pandemic is not over for the 27-year-old and millions of other Americans. It may never be. They have long COVID, a … Read more