Amy Jackson and Gossip Girl star Ed Westwick are engaged. See photos of proposals from Switzerland

[ad_1] Amy Jackson with Ed Westwick. (courtesy: iamamyjackson) New Delhi: Congratulations to actress Amy Jackson and Ed Westwick, best known for his role as Chuck Bass on the popular television show. Gossip Girl. Ed proposed to Amy in Gstaad, Switzerland, and the proposal pictures are absolutely dreamy. Sharing the images along with a ring emoji … Read more

Gossip Girl alum Ed Westwick is engaged to Amy Jackson

[ad_1] Seen: Chuck Bass, huh, Ed Westwick popping the question. He Gossip Girl The student is engaged to his girlfriend of more than two years. Amy Jackson. And no, she didn’t propose on New York’s Upper East Side, but instead got down on one knee during the couple’s ski trip to Switzerland. “Hell YES,” Amy … Read more

Pic Talk: Amy Jackson gets engaged to Ed Westwick

[ad_1] Renowned British actress Amy Jackson, known to Telugu and Tamil audiences for her roles in notable films like I, Yevadu, 2.0 and Madrasapattinam, recently grabbed attention for a personal milestone. On her Instagram account, the actress happily announced her engagement to English actor and musician Ed Westwick, famous as Chuck Bass, from the popular … Read more

Pic Talk: Amy Jackson gets engaged to Ed Westwick

[ad_1] Renowned British actress Amy Jackson, known to Telugu and Tamil audiences for her roles in notable films like I, Yevadu, 2.0 and Madrasapattinam, recently grabbed attention for a personal milestone. On her Instagram account, the actress happily announced her engagement to English actor and musician Ed Westwick, famous as Chuck Bass, from the popular … Read more

Amy Jackson announces engagement to Gossip Girl star Ed Westwick. See photos | bollywood

[ad_1] Actress Amy Jackson is engaged to her boyfriend, actor and musician Ed Westwick. On Instagram on Monday, the couple shared a joint post. (Also read | Amy Jackson concludes filming of Crakk) Amy Jackson with Ed Westwick shared a post. Amy and Ed are engaged. Ed proposed to Amy in Switzerland on a bridge. … Read more

Ed Westwick and Amy Jackson are engaged! Gossip Girl Star Pops the Question About Romantic Vacation in Switzerland as Fans Joke Chuck Bass Has Finally Calmed Down

[ad_1] Ed Westwick has asked Amy Jackson the question. The Gossip Girl star, 36, got down on one knee in G’staad, Switzerland, as he asked the Bollywood actress, 31, to be his wife in front of a crowd of onlookers. Taking to Instagram to share the news, the couple shared a series of sweet photos … Read more