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NASA's Juno Reveals Stunning Image of Jupiter's Great Red Spot:

The Great Red Spot has been shrinking since it was last measured by the Voyager spacecraft.

The space agency NASA routinely captures impressive images of our universe, leaving space lovers mesmerized. NASA’s Instagram account is a treasure trove for those who love watching educational videos and fascinating images showing our planet, galaxies, and other celestial bodies.

Recently, the space organization shared a stunning image of the Great Red Spot on Jupiter captured by its Juno spacecraft. The image was taken about 13,917 kilometers away by the Juno space probe, which is exploring the huge planet. The Great Red Spot is a storm that is twice the size of Earth and has existed for more than 350 years.

The NASA image shows the Great Red Spot in the center, surrounded by spiraling slivers of tan, orange and red. Jupiter’s horizon is seen at the top of the image, where it contrasts with shades of beige, brown and blue.

See the image here:

According to NASA, the high-pressure region in Jupiter’s atmosphere has been churning up an anticyclonic storm for more than 350 years, producing the gas giant’s most recognizable feature.

However, the Great Red Spot has been shrinking since it was last measured by the Voyager spacecraft in 1979 and has decreased in height by an eighth and width by at least a third over the past four decades, the new study revealed. image.

”The Great Red Spot is still twice as large as Earth, and recent studies of Juno indicate that the storm sinks about 200 miles (300 km) beneath the planet’s clouds. “Without solid land on Jupiter to weaken storms, winds in the Great Red Spot peak at about 400 mph (643 kph),” NASA added.

Launched in 2011, Juno, the basketball court-sized spacecraft, was the eighth spacecraft to visit Jupiter. It entered orbit around Jupiter on July 4, 2016. It is now in the third year of its extended mission to chronicle the massive planet.

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