Tyler Perry Halts Atlanta Studio’s $800M Expansion After Seeing Sora’s ‘Shocking’ Text-to-Video Model


megaproducer Tyler Perry has put a planned $800 million expansion of its Atlanta, Georgia, studio on hold after seeing the capabilities of The new OpenAI model, Sorawhich allows users to create video images from text prompts.

“Being told he can do all these things is one thing, but seeing his capabilities was mind-blowing,” he told The Hollywood Reporter on Thursday of Sora, who debuted on February 15.

Perry, whose new movie, “Mea Culpa,” premieres on Netflix on Friday, said the expansion would have added 12 more sound stages. However, all of that is “currently and indefinitely on hold,” a decision Perry made in response to Sora’s potential impact on cinema as we know it. On the one hand, Perry imagines a scenario in which the need to film on location or build sets would be a concern of the past.

“I had been informed for the last year that this was going to happen, but I had no idea until I recently saw demonstrations of what it is capable of doing. “It’s shocking to me,” Perry said.

“I wouldn’t have to travel places anymore. If I wanted to be in the snow in Colorado, it would be a text,” she continued. “If I wanted to write a scene on the moon, it would be text, and this AI can generate it like it was nothing.”

Perry called Sora a “huge game changer” that could allow filmmakers to produce movies and pilots at a fraction of the cost, but added: “I’m very, very concerned that in the near future, a lot of jobs are going to be lost.” “. lost.”

Perry admitted that she used AI in two recent projects that will be announced soon: “That kept me without makeup for hours. In post-production and on set, I was able to use this AI technology to avoid having to sit for hours in aging makeup.”

The “Madea” creator explained that “like every other studio in town,” he is “trying to figure it all out.”

“I feel like everyone in the industry is running a hundred miles an hour to try to catch up, to try to put guardrails and seat belts in to keep livelihoods afloat,” he said.

The charge Tyler Perry Halts Atlanta Studio’s $800M Expansion After Seeing Sora’s ‘Shocking’ Text-to-Video Model appeared first on The coat.

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