War between Israel and Hamas: Why do social media users block celebrities?


NEW YORK (AP) — Some social media users are criticizing celebrities for what they say is inaction against a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, and have adopted a “blockade” to pressure the stars to take a stand.

For the block, users blocked the viewing of all content from certain celebrities’ accounts on social media platforms, including X, TikTok, and Instagram. Some have posted about the celebrities they’ve blocked, using a hashtag like #blockout, #blockout2024 or #celebrityblockout, while others have shared posts from users criticizing attendees at high-glam events like the met gala and contrasting it with the situation in Gaza.

Blockade participants say it is a protest because celebrities have not spoken out or said enough against Israel’s actions in Gaza during their war with Hamas. Since the war broke out on October 7 with deadly Hamas attacks, the Israeli army has killed more than 35,000 people in Gazaaccording to the Gaza Ministry of Health, which does not distinguish between civilians and combatants.


On social media platforms, users see content from people they follow, as well as those chosen by algorithms. In both cases, users can select options to mute or block a person or account.

Blocking the accounts of celebrities or influencers means not seeing any of the content they produce on social networks: no posts, no photos or videos, no collaborations with sponsors. The number of people interacting with content makes money, so blocks are meant to impact views, engagement, and ultimately paychecks.

The blocking is also intended to target celebrity brands, diverting attention and focus from their content.


There is no single organized list of blocked celebrities. Some users offer celebrity suggestions, while others decide on their own. Celebrities in the United States and elsewhere have been named in the lockdown.

Blocking depends on each social media user. And each celebrity, influencer, or content creator must be blocked individually on each platform.


Protests over the war between Israel and Hamas have increased, with camps on college campuses across the country. Amid those movements, attention to what celebrities and influencers were saying or not saying got a boost after the Met Gala last week.

The annual party attracts a host of famous faces from the worlds of fashion, film, music, sports and more. It is known for its over-the-top arrivals carpet and the elaborate outfits worn by celebrities. This year, the gala was surrounded by protesters for much of the night.

Social media was flooded with images of the star-studded event. Around the same time, images circulated of Israel launching a military operation in the southern Gaza city of Rafah. That led some users to point out the contrast between the opulence of the celebrities at the gala and the situation in Gaza (using images of both) and condemn the celebrities for not using their platforms to speak out for those suffering.


The effectiveness and permanence of the lockdown remains to be seen, said Beth Fossen, assistant professor of marketing at Indiana University. It could depend on the celebrity and what she is known for: A famous person whose “brand” is tied to humanitarian causes may be more affected than one known primarily for her talent, she added.

“If your identity is really tied to promoting something that is key to the boycott, then this could have really serious consequences for you,” Fossen said. “There may be some influential people who gain fame by promoting peace and then remain silent on this issue; their followers may not forgive them.”


There has been criticism of the blockade, with some saying the focus on celebrities diverts attention from what is happening in Gaza. Others question what the parameters are for judging whether someone should be blocked and what would constitute a well-known person speaking or doing enough.

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