“We always hate each other”


John Cleese is making it clear that he, and some other Pythons, strongly disagree with his former co-star Eric Idle, who last weekend slammed manager (and daughter of Python co-founder Terry Gilliam) Holly Gilliam , so Idle did. What he suggested was the company’s dwindling finances.

“We own everything we’ve created in Python and I never dreamed that at this age revenue streams would decline so disastrously,” Idle posted on X/Twitter on Saturday. “But I guess if you put a Gilliam kid as your manager you shouldn’t be so surprised. One Gilliam is bad enough. Two can destroy any company.”

Cleese left no doubt about his position on the matter.

“I’ve worked with Holly for the last ten years,” he said. Fawlty Towers The creator tweeted today, “and I find her very efficient, lucid, hard-working and pleasant to deal with.”

Cleese continued: “Michael Palin has asked me to make it clear that he shares this view. Terry Gilliam also agrees with this.”

Apparently, there’s no love lost between Cleese and Idle, and the latter responded, when asked by an X follower if the two are still close: “I haven’t seen Cleese in seven years.” When another follower responded saying it made him sad, Idle responded, “Why? He makes me happy. “

Today, Cleese responded with an assessment so blunt that some followers wondered if it was all a joke: “We’ve always hated and despised each other, but only recently has the truth begun to emerge.”

Gag or not, Cleese’s comment is in line with a post by Idle’s daughter Lily, who wrote: “I’m so proud of my dad for finally starting to share the truth. He has always stood up to bullies and narcissists and absolutely deserves reassurance and validation for doing so.”

The X back-and-forth began when Idle posted that, at 80, he still has to “work for a living.”

“I don’t know why people always assume we’re loaded,” he wrote. “Python is a disaster. Spamalot He made money 20 years ago. I have to work to earn a living. “It’s not easy at this age.” He added: “We own everything we have created in Python and I never dreamed that at this age revenue streams would decline so disastrously. But I guess if you put a Gilliam kid as your manager you shouldn’t be so surprised. One Gilliam is bad enough. Two can destroy any company.”

Holly Gilliam runs HDG Projects, which manages Python and helped set up Monty Python Live (mostly): one minus five to gogroup’s 2014 reunion shows in London.

Idle He also took issue with Netflix after a fan suggested the streaming giant should make a documentary about Python. “Fuck Netflix and fuck documentaries,” Idle responded.

Idle co-founded Python in 1969 with Graham Chapman, Cleese, Gilliam, Terry Jones, and Michael Palin.

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