Weekly horoscope: from March 10 to March 16, 2024


Your weekly horoscope is here. In the last full week of watery Pisces season, you may not know if you’re laughing or crying into your soup, both, or if you’re dreaming it all. Such is the reality-transforming nature of this latest sign of the zodiac. Water is cleansing and salt water heals most things, so let it go and let it flow. On Sunday we have a new moon in Pisces, which suggests that we swim in emotional or creative waters. Is it time to publish a chapter or do you feel it fading naturally? Let it go, feel your muscles relax from your face to your feet, and be open to your feelings. Set your intentions around inner peace, loving connections, and your vision of paradise; creative, mystical or emotional. As always, back it up with tangible actions throughout the week.

Read on to find out your weekly horoscope and what’s in store for your sign during the week of March 10-16, 2024.


This week’s horoscope introduction applies doubly to you, as all the action happens in your zone of Zen, dreams and peace. This is not the week to exaggerate, save it for your season. This period is about recharging, investigating your dreams and following your happiness. Any interest in new age, modern mysticism and artistic musings? Now is your time! Set your intentions to manifest around these topics, as well as emotional sensitivity, openness, and ultimately letting go of obstacles or worn-out feelings you’ve been stubbornly holding on to. Relax your mind, body and spirit, dear Aries. Set your intentions around all things beyond the practicalities of mundane reality. Float in your feelings and imagination.


As Jupiter, the planet of expansion, and Uranus, the planet of sudden change, merge in April, shaping and perhaps acceleration may already be evident in your life. This is the headline of the year and it’s happening in your sign, so here’s how to do that, take that leap of faith and give it a try. Embrace new positive growth or whatever beautiful direction or change you are pushing for, Titan Taurus! This week the moon resets in your sphere of friends and groups, so get together with your team on Sunday for a manifestation or tasting session (or both) and share your dreams and plans with each other. Set your intentions around honing and enjoying your senses, good taste, and a higher calling, if you have one.

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