Weekly horoscope readings for each zodiac sign: March 24-30


Natasha Lyonne, an Aries.
Photo-Illustration: from The Cut; Photo: Getty Images

In the early hours of Monday morning, a lunar eclipse (the first of the year) arrives in Libra to shake you out of your routine. This eclipse reminds you that you want more for yourself than an ordinary, boring existence; You want genuine happiness, a sense of purpose, bonds built on deep, authentic love. For now, your relationships may be tested and your routines may be unstable, but try not to shy away from the discomfort. Any drama or growing pains you experience will ultimately be enlightening. They will show you the way to go. In the meantime, find the weekly horoscope for each zodiac sign below.

When decisions need to be made, you are not someone who ponders for weeks, questioning yourself endlessly. You prefer to act decisively and quickly. Instead of worrying about all the problems that could arise, you move forward and address the problems that really do. This week, however, be careful not to act. also quickly. Right now, it’s very easy to jump to conclusions and ignore warning signs in your rush to get moving. If your friends offer you advice or if your gut tries to tell you something, listen. You are not running a race. You don’t need to rush.

Your sense of self is unshakeable; you know who you are and how you like to structure your days. This week, however, it’s unlikely you’ll be able to maintain the status quo. Your schedule could change unexpectedly, your workspace could become filled with clutter, and even your thoughts could become disorganized. If you try to force everything back into place, you will only end up frustrated and exhausted. Consider this, instead, as an opportunity to make some long-needed changes. When life gets complicated, there is less pressure to preserve old systems. You could start over, if you wanted. You could go anywhere from here.

You might feel a little overwhelmed by everything you have to do right now: work is piling up, your social calendar is overflowing, you’re behind on laundry. You don’t feel like you have the time or mental space to add anything else to the list. But this week, wonderful surprises, serendipitous opportunities, or a sudden romance could upset your plans. A part of you might feel irritated by this. Couldn’t I have waited until you were less busy and more prepared? But the universe doesn’t care about your timeline and sometimes you just have to dive in.

You probably haven’t taken the best care of yourself lately. Maybe you’ve been busy caring for others, maybe work has been especially hectic, or you’ve been so immersed in projects in your community that you’ve barely had time to tend to your own needs. Of course it’s important not to prioritize yourself. all moment, but this week it will be clear that you cannot neglect your own well-being forever. If you don’t take the time to rest and refill your cup, you won’t have anything left to give. Now you have the opportunity to restore your internal balance, so take advantage of it.

Lately, you may have been feeling isolated from the people around you. This week, however, you will feel the world opening up to you again, as if you are coming out of hibernation. Your social life is renewed and it’s as if everyone is drawn to you: friends reach out to you, even strangers seem to want to bask in the glow of your attention. If you’ve been feeling lonely, it’s tempting to overbook, to go too far in the opposite direction. Have fun, but remember that you don’t have to rush to accept every invitation. Your friends aren’t going anywhere.

A stress-free life sounds attractive, but it would be superficial and empty. You can’t learn without taking risks and making mistakes, you can’t always grow without first getting hurt and healing. Discomfort is not the worst thing in the world; It’s often a sign that you’re putting in the work and gaining valuable knowledge and experience. Just remember, this week, that you don’t need to look for difficulties for their own sake. The universe will throw many challenges your way. Don’t avoid them, but don’t go out of your way to make your life more difficult either.

Personal growth often happens so gradually that you don’t notice it; It seems like nothing is happening, when in reality you are making progress all the time. This week, however, it will be possible to see yourself with new eyes. You will be able to recognize how much you have grown, understand your desires and relationships with new clarity, and access hidden reserves of trust. The question is what you will do with your new knowledge. Will you continue to act the same way you always have or will you take the opportunity to make a change?

It’s not easy to let go of the past, including (or especially) the unhappy parts. Even after they’ve ended, previous relationships can still affect the way you see yourself and old insecurities haunt you. There’s no way to erase what was, but this week you may feel it loosen. You are shaped by your memories and experiences, but you are no longer trapped by them. You are entering a new phase. Give yourself permission to stop worrying about what’s behind you, so you can dedicate yourself to the new challenges and adventures ahead.

If you’re feeling frustrated this week—like your creativity is blocked or your best efforts have failed—you’re probably trying to do too much with too little support. You can’t change the world by yourself; it’s hard to change yours life without help from his community. The best thing you can do now is figure out how to be part of something bigger than yourself, whether that’s involving your friends in your projects or joining what others are already working on. Instead of getting upset that you can’t find all the answers on your own, be glad that you don’t have to.

The more detailed your long-term plans are, the more likely they are to be disrupted this week. This doesn’t mean you should expect things to turn out well. mistaken, necessarily, but it does mean that you must be prepared for the unexpected. The world is too big, too amazing, for you to plan for every one of them. possibility. New people may invite you to question your path in life; Unforeseen events could open your mind to options you never knew existed. Remember that you don’t have to stick to the plan. Sometimes it’s best to change course.

Sometimes clarity comes slowly, and you spend months mulling over a confusing situation or emotion before it makes sense to you. This week, however, the realization is more likely to come suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere. It has you ready to dramatically change your life, quit your job, make a big romantic statement. But although this could feel As the time is right to act boldly and decisively, take some time to be sure, especially if you are going in a completely new direction.

It’s easy to assume that everyone is more or less like you. You know we’re all unique, of course, but you imagine that other people’s values ​​roughly match yours, that they process their emotions like you do, and that they need the same kind of support. This week, however, you may suddenly and intensely realize that your friends have needs and wants that are nothing like yours. Your dreams may not make sense to you, but they don’t have to. All you have to do is let the people you love be who they are.

Read the weekly horoscopes for the week of March 17. Weekly horoscopes for the week of March 31 will be online next Sunday.

Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.

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