Wes Anderson reacts to the Oscar award for the wonderful story of Henry Sugar


In one of the biggest ironies of the 2024 Oscars, Wes Anderson, whose fans had been waiting for him to win an Oscar since The real Tenenbaums‘ in 2001, he won his first Academy Award but was unable to accept it in person. While the author did not have the opportunity to give his acceptance speech on stage, Netflix shared his statement about his victory.

“If I could have been there, I (along with (producer) Steven Rales) would have said ‘Thank you’ to: Roald Dahl’s family; the Netflix team; “Benedict (Cumberbatch) and Ralph (Fiennes) and Ben Kingsley and Dev (Patel)… and more (from the cast and crew),” the filmmaker wrote.

Anderson’s adaptation of Roald Dahl’s work The wonderful story of Henry Sugar It received the Academy Award for best live-action short film. Benedict Cumberbatch plays the title character, who develops clairvoyant abilities that allow him to cheat at games of chance.

Anderson’s statement continued: “And also: If I hadn’t met Owen Wilson in a hallway at the University of Texas between classes when I was 18, I certainly wouldn’t be receiving this award tonight, but unfortunately Steven and I are in Germany. and we start filming our new movie early tomorrow morning, so I didn’t actually receive the award (in person) or have a chance to say any of that.”

The movie Anderson mentioned is supposedly The Phoenician scheme, starring Benicio Del Toro, Michael Cera and Bill Murray. Roman Coppola is also credited as co-writer. Last September, Anderson was received 1.5 million euros of financing from Germany to make the film.

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