When is the first day of spring and what to know about the vernal equinox – NBC New York


Spring is almost here, at least officially.

The spring equinox arrives on Tuesday, March 19, marking the start of the spring season in the northern hemisphere.

But what does that really mean? Here’s what you should know about how we divide the year using Earth’s orbit.

What is the equinox?

When the Earth rotates around the sun, it does so at an angle.

For most of the year, the Earth’s axis is tilted toward the sun or away from it. This means that heat and light from the sun fall unevenly on the northern and southern halves of the planet.

During the equinox, the Earth’s axis and its orbit align so that both hemispheres receive the same amount of sunlight.

The word equinox comes from two Latin words that mean equal and night. This is because at the equinox, day and night last almost the same amount of time, although there may be a few extra minutes depending on where you are on the planet.

The northern hemisphere’s spring (or vernal) equinox can occur between March 19 and 21, depending on the year. Your autumn, or autumnal, equinox can occur between September 21 and 24.

What is the solstice?

Solstices mark the times of year when the Earth is at its greatest tilt toward or away from the sun. This means that the hemispheres receive very different amounts of sunlight, and the days and nights are more unequal.

During the northern hemisphere Summer Solstice, the top half of the Earth is tilted toward the sun, creating the longest day and shortest night of the year. This solstice falls between June 20 and 22.

Meanwhile, on the winter solstice, the northern hemisphere moves away from the sun, causing the shortest day and longest night of the year. The winter solstice falls between December 20 and 23.

The Stonehenge monument has baffled historians for centuries: was it created by aliens? Giants? Wizards? Despite all the theories, one thing is certain: Stonehenge on the summer solstice is an unforgettable experience.

What is the difference between equinoxes and solstices?

These are just two different ways to divide the year.

Weather stations are defined by the climate. They divide the year into three-month seasons according to annual temperature cycles. According to that calendar, spring begins on March 1, summer on June 1, autumn on September 1, and winter on December 1.

Astronomical seasons depend on how the Earth moves around the sun.

The equinoxes mark the beginning of spring and autumn. The solstices begin summer and winter.


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