Where to find and catch Flopie in Palworld | Top Vip News


Michelle Cornelia

Flopie offers much more than just collecting resources for you, as this Pal also has multiple job qualifications. Here’s where to find and catch Flopie in Palworld.

At first glance, Flopie seems like a cute and adorable friend who is willing to follow you wherever you go in Palworld. However, aside from his delicate appearance, this floating rabbit-like Pal is actually one of the hardest workers out there.

Equipped with the suitability for planting, working, producing medicine, transporting and harvesting, Flopie is the ultimate jack of all trades when it comes to productivity in this game. So if you ever feel like your base’s workforce is a little lacking, it wouldn’t hurt to add this friend to your collection.

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In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about where to find and catch Flopie in Palworld.

How to find Flopie in Palworld

A screenshot showing Flopie's location in Palworld.pocket pair

Location of the floppy disk in Palworld.

You can find Flopie around the main road north of the Twin Knights Bridge fast travel point. Fortunately, they are quite common and reproduce regardless of the time of day.

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If you’re having trouble finding a Flopie, try the Pal Sphere bug that launches you into the air. This way it will be easier to explore the entire area.

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How to catch Flopie in Palworld

Since Flopie is a Grass-type friend, it is naturally weak to Fire-type friends, such as Flambelle and Foxparks. You can use a Fire type of your choice to deal burst damage and reduce his remaining health with a weaker Friend just to be safe.

When Flopie’s health is low enough, aim and throw your Pal Sphere at him, and the Pal should now be on your side. The good thing about Flopie, besides being an excellent worker, is that he also throws wheat seeds and low-quality medical supplies to cure his sick friends.

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Additionally, its associated ability, Helper Bunny, allows Flopie to follow you and collect resources, making your gathering experience even more convenient.

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