Willy Wonka event becomes video game parody goldmine


An Animal Crossing character stands behind a table full of chemical equipment.

Screenshot: Nintendo / @Haztecamarera in X

If you somehow haven’t heard of the infamous “Willy’s Chocolate Experience” Event which took place in Glasgow on February 24 and was canceled a day later, the whole saga is crazy. The children’s event (tickets cost £35, about $44 USD) was advertised as “a place where chocolate dreams come true,” only for it to be a low-budget, barely decorated warehouse that looked nothing like the AI-rendered images used to promote it. He They called the police because the event was a huge disaster, but those of us outside can bask in the glow of this dumpster fire. Since Willy’s Chocolate Experience went viral, people have started recreating the event in video games; Even big brands are joining the trend.

A specific shot of a legally distinct Oompa Loompa has gone viral and has become the basis of several memes surrounding the event. The photo shows one of the actors standing at a scientific-looking station, looking unexcited, as smoke rises in the background. In an interview with Variety, the actress, named Kirsty Paterson, said she finds all of this “funny,” but also “embarrassing” for her acting career. But the image has become synonymous with the fiasco and has been recreated in several games, both by fans and by the video game companies themselves. Click to see them all.

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