World Cancer Day 2024: 5 lifestyle changes for a healthy life | Top Vip News


You can combat the six-letter word ‘CANCER’ with another six-letter word called ‘PRAYER’, says Amar Bhaskar, former director and chief operating officer, IBM Global Business Services, India.

Bhaskar, who was diagnosed with tongue cancer in 2006, believes that a combination of positive attitude, resilience, adapting to new changes, reinventing oneself, participating in activities and rejoicing with family can be a strong front against this deadly disease. . Generally speaking, cancer is a journey that forces the individual to introspect.

One of the reasons why people die from cancer is lack of information. The great American civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr once said: “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can.” In other words, awareness about the disease is the key to waging war on it.

Every year, February 4 marks World Cancer Day, which commemorates the resilience of survivors, the dedication of health workers and the power of collective action, with different themes. ‘Closing the care gap’, the theme for 2023, continues this year.

Cancer is about a journey that forces the individual to introspect. (Photo: iStock)

As individuals, we all need to balance our lives intellectually, physically, emotionally and spiritually. The way we live, what we eat or drink, the environment we live in, and the toxins we ingest all contribute to the development of cancer. In other words, lifestyle is a causal factor in 30-50 percent of cancer cases.

Leading a healthy life requires eating a balanced diet, staying physically active, avoiding substance abuse, managing stress and positive thoughts, getting enough sleep, and having strong personal and social support.

Eat healthier

Eating to feel better is, of course, a primary human instinct. In a fast-paced life, meals often become whatever is convenient and available quickly. When we’re stressed, we often crave foods higher in sugar and fat, which are generally low in fiber and other nutrients.

Globally, obesity has tripled in the last 50 years. Ironically, the increase has been dramatic in low-income countries where malnutrition is common. These communities have greater access to high-calorie foods with low nutritional value.

Eating to feel better is, of course, a primary human instinct.

Being obese, changes occur in the internal hormonal environment to such an extent that it predisposes one to suffer from cancers of the breast, endometrium, cervix, prostate, colorectal, esophagus, pancreas, kidney and gallbladder.

Healthy eating habits involve being close to nature. Two thirds of our diet should be vegetarian. The more colorful a food is, the greater its influence on our health. The phytochemicals, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fibers found in plant products help detoxify the system and block certain cancer pathways. High consumption of these foods during childhood and adolescence is more effective in reducing the risk of cancer than in adulthood.

High-salt canned foods, grilled foods, and processed and frozen foods should be minimized in diets. In other words, you have to consider your diet as a bank account and good nutrition as an investment.

Manage stress

In today’s complicated world, stress has become a constant companion. Although it may not directly lead to cancer, stress promotes cancer growth. The most important factor in managing stress is managing the state of our mind, which often takes a backseat. What you eat is important but what eats you is more important. The three Cs (comparison, criticism and complaint) form cancers of the mind.

In today’s complicated world, stress has become a constant companion. (Photo: Getty Images)

But to calm the mind you have to learn to accept the worst situations in life. This can be achieved mainly by managing our emotions through meditation.

Meditation helps create positive thoughts, produces self-discipline, promotes a healthy sleeping pattern, increases pain tolerance, harmonizes the body, mind and soul, adds meaning to life, helps cope with stress, reduces pain agony. patient and improves quality of life. life.

Sleeping more

Getting a good night’s sleep is considered as essential as oxygen to our survival. Good quality sleep helps heal and produce cell regeneration. It is a natural immune booster.

Scientifically, seven hours of sleep are needed to protect us against heart disease, diabetes, depression and also cancer. Professionals who work at ungodly hours of the night alter their biological clocks and accumulate a predisposition to breast, colon, ovarian and prostate cancer.

Physical activity and immunity boosters.

Regular physical activity for a period of half an hour and participation in creative activities help relieve stress. It is one of the best ways to de-stress and relieve anxiety. This facilitates the production of feel-good hormones in the brain, which promotes the release of endorphins.

Regular physical activity for a period of half an hour and participation in creative activities help relieve stress.

These hormones, in turn, eliminate negative thoughts and emotions. Positive thoughts, joy, mental strength, and contentment have been shown to increase the number of white blood cells in the system. This, in turn, boosts the immune system and helps prevent diseases, including cancer.

Avoid alcohol and tobacco completely.

A large proportion of cancers are caused by tobacco and alcohol use. The age of onset, the years of consumption and the amount consumed have been reasons for early distress. Refraining from these habits is mandatory.

It is very true that not every cancer can be cured, but every individual who suffers from it can be cured, as healing is purely spiritual. Therefore, one should wake up every morning with gratitude and appreciate the gift of the new day.

While our smiles should be used to change the world, we must not allow the world to change our smiles. While the kite sends us all the beautiful message of flying high but staying connected to our roots, we must maintain a simple lifestyle and be protected from these terrible diseases.

Published by:

Daphne Clarance

Published in:

February 4, 2024

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