Yoga for radiant skin: postures to stimulate blood flow and brighten the skin | | Top Vip News


The skin, the largest organ in our body, serves as a temperature sensor and reflection of internal health. A radiant complexion means well-being and vitality. Research indicates that 24 hours of avoiding stress can significantly improve facial glitter. Yoga, particularly inverted asanas like Halasana, Shirshasana, Karnapidasana and Sarvangasana, contribute to glowing skin. These postures cleanse the sinus pores, release tension and cleanse the eyes, nose and sensory organs.

Constant practices for radiant skin

Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, yoga guru and founder of Akshar Yoga Kendraa, says, “Commit to practicing 15-30 minutes daily to get noticeable results. Hydration is key; Drink 10 to 12 glasses of water a day to flush out toxins. Hydrate yourself and use sunscreen to take care of your skin. Incorporate the scientific streams of Surya Namaskar and Chandra Namaskar for additional benefits. By adopting these asanas and routines, you can maintain a healthy body, radiant skin and vibrant hair.”
Adopt these yoga asanas for skin that invites praise and admiring glances.

Halasana (plow pose)

Posture training:
Start lying on your back.
Place your palms next to your body.
Engage your abdominal muscles to raise your legs to 90 degrees.
Press your palms firmly into the floor as your legs fall behind your head.
Lift your middle and lower back, allowing your toes to touch the floor.
Try to bring your chest closer to your chin.
The palms can remain on the floor or support the back, as is comfortable.
Maintain the posture.

Relieves constipation and stomach problems.
Helps reduce body fat.

Stimulates the thyroid, kidneys, spleen and pancreas.
Normalizes high blood pressure.
Beneficial for women with menstrual disorders.
Reversed blood flow nourishes and rejuvenates the skin.
Strengthens the muscle fibers and vertebrae of the back.
Improves flexibility and strength of the back.
Tip: Avoid if you experience low back pain, neck pain, spondylitis, or high blood pressure.

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Sarvangasana (Shoulder Pose)

Posture training:
Start lying on your back.
Arms next to your body.
Raise your legs off the floor, perpendicular to the sky.
Raise your pelvis and back, supporting it with your forearms.
Create a straight line from your shoulders to your feet.
Touch your chin to your chest, look down at your feet.

Similar benefits to Sirsasana, with a simpler execution.
Suitable for stage 1 and 2 thyroid problems.
Strengthens the core and improves balance.
Improves blood flow to the face, nourishing the skin and detoxifying it.
Increases flexibility and strength in the neck, shoulders and back.
Not suitable for wrist, neck or shoulder problems.
Avoid during menstruation, pregnancy, enlarged thyroid, liver/spleen problems, cervical spondylitis, herniated disc, high blood pressure, or heart disease.

Sirsasana (headstand)

Posture training:
Start in Vajrasana.
Place your elbows on the floor, forming an equilateral triangle.
Crown of the head on the floor, palms supporting the head.
Walk your toes toward your head, straightening back.
Raise your right leg and align it with your upper body.
Engage core, balance, lift left leg.
Bring your legs together with your toes pointing down.
Maintain the posture comfortably.
Improves blood flow to the brain, addressing nervous and glandular disorders.
Improves memory and mental fatigue.
Develops core strength and balance.
Tip: Avoid hypertension, hypotension, vertigo, heart palpitations or thrombosis.

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