“You can only do so many good ones”


Gwyneth Paltrow understands that good movies are not necessarily $300 million productions.

appearing in First we delight ourselves with the hot oneshosted by Sean Evans, he was asked about director Cord Jefferson’s recent speech at the Oscars.

Jefferson won Best Adapted Screenplay for American fiction, and used the platform to plead with Hollywood for budgetary sanity. “Instead of making one $200 million movie, try making 20 $10 million movies,” he said in his acceptance speech.

Paltrow played Pepper Potts in the Iron Man movies, as well as in other MCU films, including Spider-Man: Homecoming and Avengers: Endgame.

Paltrow agreed with Jefferson’s sentiments.

“I absolutely understand where he’s coming from,” Paltrow said. “You want to have the best opportunity to have a strong return on investment. People invest a lot of money in these things and want them to be profitable.

“But if I look at the industry as a whole, this big push toward superhero movies… you can only make so many good movies that feel truly original, and yet they’re always trying to get to the biggest point.” as many people as possible, which sometimes hinders quality, specificity or real point of view.”

Paltrow understands that some of the movies she made early in her career wouldn’t be made today.

“You get a greater diversity of art when the stakes are lower and people can express their true voice and make a film the way they want. Those are usually the most resonant,” she said.

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