‘Zone of Interest’ executive producer rejects Jonathan Glazer’s Oscar speech


An executive producer of The area of ​​interest is speaking out against the speech the film’s director, Jonathan Glazer, gave when accepting this year’s Oscar for best international film.

Danny Cohen said he “fundamentally” disagrees with Glazer’s comments, which drew parallels between the Holocaust film and the current conflict in Gaza. “It’s really important to recognize that this upsets a lot of people and a lot of people are upset and angry about it. And I understand that anger frankly,” Cohen said on the latest episode of Yonit Levi and Jonathan Freedland’s show. Impious podcast.

The producer added that he has heard from “many” people in the Jewish community who saw the film as important for Holocaust education, but who are upset that it is “mixed up with what is happening now (in Gaza), whether “Whether that was Jonathan’s intention or not to do that.”

Cohen continued: “I fundamentally disagree with Jonathan on this. The war and the continuation of the war is the responsibility of Hamas, a genocidal terrorist organization that continues to hold and abuse hostages, that uses its tunnels not to protect the innocent civilians of Gaza, but to hide and allow Palestinians to die. ”

Frank Micelotta/Disney via Getty

EW has contacted A24, the production company behind The area of ​​interestand Glazer for their comments.

In his acceptance speech on Sunday, Glazer tied his groundbreaking film to the crisis in Gaza, saying: “Our film shows where dehumanization leads at its worst. It has shaped our entire past and present. Right now, we are here as men who refute their Judaism and the Holocaust are being kidnapped by an occupation that has brought so many innocent people into conflict, whether they be the victims of October, whether they be the victims of October 7 in Israel or the ongoing attack on Gaza, “All the victims of this dehumanization. How do we resist?”

Glazer gave the speech alongside producers James Wilson and Len Blavatnik, the latter later revealing that he had not been consulted about the comments beforehand. “No, she did not authorize the speech,” said Blavatnik spokeswoman Lisa Shields. said The Hollywood Reporter. “But he is incredibly proud of the film and the praise it has received and doesn’t want to distract from the film’s important themes.”

The public response to the speech has proven divisive, with support from those calling for a ceasefire appearing alongside criticism. said Jewish Voice for Peace Executive Director Stefanie Fox Variety Glazer “speaks for the enormous and growing number of Jews who honor our histories by joining our Palestinian brothers in their fight for freedom and justice.”

About him Impious On the podcast, Cohen said that while he thinks “the war is tragic and terrible and the loss of civilian life is terrible,” he “(blames) Hamas for that.” He added that he finds it “unfortunate” that the film’s success has been overshadowed by controversy.

“John spent 10 years making the movie and has done something extraordinary, but people are talking more this week about what he said for 30 seconds,” he continued. “And I think that’s unfortunate because I would love the conversation that was focused on, in the movie itself. So John has the right to say whatever he wants to say, but, you know, I don’t agree with what he says . saying.”

The area of ​​interestwhich follows the family life of Rudolf Höss, the commandant of Auschwitz, also won the Oscar for best sound on Sunday.

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