5 Lesser Known Facts About GTA’s Iconic Liberty City | Top Vip News


The GTA franchise has offered many maps, but Liberty City has a special place in everyone’s hearts. While it has appeared in several titles, Rockstar Games has changed and modified many things about this map that have improved it over the years. While the finalists know every corner of the map, there are certain lesser-known facts about the map that not everyone may know.

The developers have added and removed many things from the iconic map over the years. It has appeared in GTA 3, GTA 4 and certain expansions of this franchise. While players already know a lot about Liberty City just by exploring it thoroughly, this article will share some facts that not everyone may know.

Note: Some parts of the article are subjective and reflect solely the opinion of the author.

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5 Things You Might Not Know About GTA’s Liberty City Map

1) Miami billboards and messages

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GTA 3 is the first title in the series to use 3D graphics to revamp the Liberty City map and give it a complete overhaul. However, what some players may not know or remember is that Rockstar Games teased their next game, GTA Vice City, through this map.

You can find billboards around the airport that say “See you in Miami,” hinting at the upcoming title, which was inspired by real-life Miami. References are details that most newbie players missed or didn’t understand until Vice City was released.

2) The ghost island “removed”

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Another lesser-known fact about the Liberty City map in GTA 3 is that Rockstar Games intended to add an entire city to it, along with some interesting missions. However, the developer scrapped this idea for some reason, but it did not completely remove the game’s resources.

So, if one can fly the plane in Grand Theft Auto 3 extremely well, they will be able to witness a ghost town far from the main city. This is the location that would have been part of Liberty City and would have more quests/tasks for players to complete. Since flying a plane in the game requires one to be skilled, only a handful of players have seen this city.

3) The GTA 4 Liberty City subway does not reach Alderney

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While one may already know that you cannot use the Grand Theft Auto 4 subway to reach Alderney, there is a reason behind this. Liberty City is based on real-life New York, but the first region is a small representation of New Jersey, a completely different state. It would have been difficult to include another state in the game besides Liberty City.

This is something that not many players know because the game does not separate the two locations. Only those looking for more information about the map and location will have heard about this. This is yet another reason why GTA 4 is one of the most realistic games in the series. It’s worth noting that Alderney shares similarities with Newark, along with New Jersey.

4) Flying to the edge of the map causes the developers’ names to appear.

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While flying the Dodo is quite challenging, it is one of the vehicles that fans don’t want to see in GTA 6. That said, it does allow you to witness an interesting detail in Liberty City while playing Grand Theft Auto 3. If anyone manages to reach the edge on the map of this game, you will see the names of the developers appear on the minimap. However, these nicknames cannot be seen anywhere else.

Since it is a challenge to fly the Dodo plane in the game, not many players have tried to check if the developers’ names actually appear on the minimap. However, those who have mastered the skill of controlling this ridiculous aircraft have confirmed this.

5) Hidden message behind the wall

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While this may not exactly be a lesser-known fact, it is something that many players forget. In Grand Theft Auto 3, when exploring Liberty City, players can jump from their car to a vehicle and then to a wall to read a hidden message from the developers.

The message says, “You weren’t supposed to make it this far, you know?” It’s a fun little detail about the map that is only revealed to players who explore it rigorously. It’s also a great way for developers to interact with fans who go above and beyond to uncover secrets about the location.

In other news, The GTA 6 Florida Joker has now filed a new lawsuit for Rockstar Games. However, the studio has yet to respond to their tantrums.

Poll: Would you like to see an expansion of Liberty City in GTA 6?

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Edited by Soumyadyuti Ghosh.

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