How does yoga help control epilepsy and seizures? | Top Vip News

[ad_1] Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures, which are sudden, uncontrolled electrical disturbances in the brain. These seizures can vary widely in severity, duration, and symptoms, depending on the areas of the brain affected. Common types of seizures include generalized seizures, which affect both sides of the brain, and focal seizures, which … Read more

Yoga found to improve cognition in older women at risk of Alzheimer’s: ScienceAlert | Top Vip News

[ad_1] Yoga sessions may help with cognition and memory in older women at risk for Alzheimer’s disease, possibly helping to reduce the number of contributing factors and delaying the onset of symptoms. Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) enlisted the help of 79 women over the age of 50 who potentially had … Read more

Yoga for radiant skin: postures to stimulate blood flow and brighten the skin | | Top Vip News

[ad_1] The skin, the largest organ in our body, serves as a temperature sensor and reflection of internal health. A radiant complexion means well-being and vitality. Research indicates that 24 hours of avoiding stress can significantly improve facial glitter. Yoga, particularly inverted asanas like Halasana, Shirshasana, Karnapidasana and Sarvangasana, contribute to glowing skin. These postures … Read more